Manas region

 Manas or Maa-nas or the frozen land is a region in the continent of Dhara.

Capital khar-raag
Population 800k~
Ruler   Order of Nadkaal
Largest city  Zin-muk
Language  Umbira
Demonym Manasi
Religion  Verkaali, Mundaga, Erqil

The Nadkaal order emblem

The white area, shows the Manas territories

Manas is the second largest region of Dhara. From ancient time, it was a land shrouded with mysteries. Manas is a high mountainous area with 8 mountain ranges and more than 70 peaks, covered in ice and snow. 90% of Manas belongs to frosty biome and rugged mountains. Due to its harsh weather and landscape, Manas really never took the form a true kingdom. But the people of Manas indeed have a governing body, named the Nadkaal order. All the free cities and clans of Manas deem the order as their true ruler, as the members of the order are selected by them.

Manas is on the east of Meru, north of Peruk and west of Denug. Almost all area of Manas is covered in snow. Manas is the highest region of Dhara. The largest mountain of Dhara, 'Nee-Durrag' is located here along with Andaka, Drakkhad etc. Nee-durrag is called the 'Diamond pillar' as it shines bright in daytime. There are some grasslands in Manas too. The largest city of Manas 'Zin-muk' is in the lowlands, because it is more accessible than the high mountains.

Manas is the living place of white elephants, in the Trident mountains, and this creature is exclusive to Manas. Snow leopards, white bears, deer, stags, black falcons, bisons and manasi bulls are also found in Manas. The manasi bulls are the most frequently domesticated animal here and used for Transportation.

Most of the people of Manas are hunters and fishermen. There are Miners, smiths, woodworkers, farmers, wool crafters and sailors in Manas. Some people work as animal tames in other kingdoms. There are a plenty of iron, copper and silver mines in Manas. Gold and diamond mines are also found. The mining industry of Manas is renowned in Dhara and other continents.

Manas and Meru have a long rift since the battle of Rimdak. They always try to avoid each other for certain reasons. Golok is an ally of Manas and often considered the second home of the Manasis. The golokan army even has a special unit of manasi soldiers. The Neron kings always keeps a warm relation with the Nadkaal order. They help each other in trading to warfare. The order gave the Ner-rok port to Golok as a symbol of their long friendship. Manas also has a good relationship with Peruk and Rudhar, although they are part of the empire.

Manasis use a native language named 'Umvira'. In Umvira language, most of the names is split in two parts. The dominant religion in Manas is Verkaali. The mountain cities worship a form of the god Ruk, called 'Nas-Ruk', which means 'the snow Ruk'. The Mundagas and the Erqil followers also lives in Manas.