The Trident mountains


The Trident mountains or Veraam or the peaks is a high mountain range in the border of Peruk and Manas, consisting of three peaks formed like a trident. The locals believe that the Verkaals or the gods live there in the hidden city of Veraam. The mountains are mostly covered in snow on the north side, with warm and green in the south side.

The three peaks are named Paral, Tariqad and Keerdan, which means wind, rain and light in Old meruk language.

The trident mountains are the living place of a wild variety of flora and fauna. The most common animals found in the green area are Great deers, monkeys, wild boars and red wolves. The icy area has white elephants, bisons, manasi bulls and snow leopards. Many kinds of birds are also found here.

These mountains are sacred to all Dhara. Because of this, the political war never touched this place. The green side is owned by the Meru empire and the icy side is owned by the Nadkaal order. The two sides never cross each other and there is a invisible border between the two kingdoms.